New Here? Welcome to GlobeSlice!

In my 30+ years of existence, I’ve been lucky enough to live many lives – I’ve been a Horror/Sci-fi DVD reviewer, a Talk Radio host/Program Director,  a video game tester, a Project Manager, and a Production Assistant for a TV show about battling robots. While these gave me some incredible experiences, the standard 2-week vacation cycle just didn’t provide room for my lifelong dream of visiting offbeat locations from around the globe. This was something that needed to change…

GlobeSlice Julian Welcome CollageInterested in how I went from a games industry Project Manager to navigating the roads less traveled? Check out My Story for much more!

So… What is GlobeSlice?

Glad you asked! For the last year, GlobeSlice has been the marriage of some of my biggest passions: exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, project management, storytelling, and photography. I also discovered early on that travel and transportation planning has allowed me to utilize my professional skills to discover ways to get the most bang for my transit buck. The best part is that you all get to benefit from this knowledge!

Throughout my travels, I’ve collected a ton of resources that I’ve used to put together location specific transportation guides, helpful tip sheets, photo essays, and stories from the road.

Check out some of my favorite posts below to get a taste of what you can expect from GlobeSlice!

Transportation Guides

Travel Tips

Photo Essays

Stories from the Road

There’s nothing I love more than connecting with other like-minded navigators, so make sure to connect with me either directly or through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

I’m thrilled that you’re following along with my adventures and can’t wait to see what we discover together!