
Discovering an Eastern Serengeti Safari

After a memorable landing and an even more memorable Central Serengeti safari, Tristen and I both couldn’t wait for what was in store for us next.

This excitement wasn’t so apparent when our 6am alarm went off. We sleepily got dressed, gathered our belongings, and made our way up to the main dining tent for breakfast.

One aspect of the Namiri Plains camp that consistently surprised us during our stay was the quality and variety of food that they had on offer. Fresh tropical fruit and scrambled eggs for breakfast? Sure thing! Seared pork chops and sweet potatoes for dinner? You bet! Read More

Safari Surprises: Escaping to East Serengeti

“Alright everyone. Please hold on tight and prepare yourselves for landing.”

I looked out my window over the vast expanse of the Serengeti in search of some kind of runway, but could only see a single narrow patch of lumpy dirt ahead.

“We’re landing there?” I shouted to the pilot of the small twin-propeller plane, who looked to be no more than 25 years old. Making sure to keep his eyes focused directly ahead of us, he respond back with a stiff but authoritative thumbs up.

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